In this page we will talk about natural disaster, how to prevent your hardware,      software before and after it happens.

Natural Disaster: (e.g., fire, flood, earthquake, lightning, or wind) that disables and damages a system component. This threat has negative impacts on the information availability because they are unexpected and can occur with very little warning. These threats can disrupt not only the lives of individuals, but also the storage, transmission, and use of information.

These include fire, flood, earthquake, and lightning as well as volcanic eruption and insect infestation. Since it is not possible to avoid many of these threats, management must implement controls to limit damage and also prepare contingency plans for continued operations.

1.   What are the Countermeasures to prevent the threat to happen?

ê Use sensitive sensor to alert in server room that release when any disaster come, close on the memory mini ship with small metal box against fire, water, leads, and earthquakes.
ê Use concrete block against fire they put it under the server to avoid the computers from burn. That concrete block can handle 4 hours of fire. even they use it in banks. 

ê Use structural system: for the building to avoid loss date, equipment’s and humans from damage. that structural made the building moves with falling. for example like: japan tower 

ê . Back up early and often: Copies of personal documents on main server (e.g., proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, and insurance policies), Create a copy of the database in satellite, to be easier to backup your system and information when the disaster finishes. Or copy the information on servers outside the country. Backup the data and information in USB, CD, hard disk or motherboard. (Video:, 

(Albatool Alukayli)

Ø Make sure the Fire sprinkler system it is work like in the university in some classes it's open and other it is close.

Ø Avoid the use of high-power energy (electricity) because it helps in the pressure then happen fire.

Ø Beware of the arrival of fluid to electrical appliances (computer, laptop phone etc.) unless they are intended for use in wet locations.

(Latifa Altwaem)

2.   What are the Responses to deal with the threat when the threat takes place?  

ê Restore backup the data. Make sure that your data and system have a back-up In other place that automatically.
ê  Emergency policy, polices that should follow like let the IT department visit the server room and see if there something and shutdown the system to minimize problems later.  

 (Albatool Alukayli)

Ø  Cut of the electricity of devices faster. And go far away from the place threat happen.

Ø  Inform the IT department to search or find from where situation happened or from where it's beginning to write report about it 

 (Latifa Altwaem)

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